
Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Do you want to have a perfect date? Have you ever been accused of not being romantic enough? Does your usual date consist of going for a meal or a movie? This is great but why not get more creative and finally have the perfect date, first, second and third...

Dating can be very expensive and no matter how much money you spend, you just cannot get it perfect. Have that ever happen to you? You invite this someone special out for dinner, you go to the most expensive restaurant, you get them whatever they want, spend lots of money... and did not even get a second date. Was the date not perfect? You spent so much money on it and what?

You see to have a perfect date it has to be special. Something that you and your date can remember for years to come. Bringing your date for a dinner is very common, 80% of people bring their date for a dinner. And no matter how much money you spend on food it is still just another dinner date, in other words nothing special.Most of the time it is men who bring women out on dates, so remember that women are usually more romantic then men. They want something special to happen and are looking for this perfect prince who will make all their dreams come true. So why not be this perfect prince? It is a win win situation, they will get what they want(perfect prince) and you will get what you want(a second date and a woman who is crazy about you). Think of what this woman is like, really think of what would she like to do? Maybe you could invite her surfing or snowboarding, go to some art collection or simply bring her to watch the sunset where there is a beautiful view.

This is not to say that women cannot bring men out. Why do you think people usually go for dates to the cinema or dinner? Just simply because they do not have enough fantasy to go and do something special. But maybe next time you can catch your guy`s attention by inviting him to go to a car show or a match.
Remember that to have a perfect date you do not need a lot of money, just a bit of imagination. Fantasy is all you need. And remember no matter how much money you spend, the perfect date cannot be bought.

1 comment: said...

A true relationship comes from the heart and the more you love someone the more beautiful they become.
