
Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Women are by and large indecisive about lots of things. What outfit should I wear, what is my favorite flavor of ice cream and most importantly, what is my favorite pair of shoes to wear with this skirt..:-) Of course I'm being a little bit facetious, but the one thing that we are DEFINITELY not indecisive about is how we feel about a guy that we really like. If a woman really likes you, there is no dispute. Her friends know, her mom may know, but you may NEVER know unless she makes the first move! I have seen a lot of good guys miss out on chances with really good looking girls who were an absolutely great catch, just because he never figured out whether she liked him, or not! And sadly, he never made the move so everyone loses. Don't let this happen to you. If you see any of these signs from a girl you like, but aren't sure how she feels about you, you better make your move because she WANTS you to!

If EVERY time you see this girl she is dressed up, or has lipstick on, this is a dead giveaway she likes you. Any self respecting woman with a killer crush on a cute guy would never show up un-announced without lipstick! Even the smartest, most career oriented friends of mine ( who are beautiful too!) will fall into an absolute panic if a guy they like bumps into us while they have no lipstick on. Quirky, but true - check it out, if she's got it on always, or putting it on while you are there, she likes you (or one of your friends!)

Does she laugh at all of your jokes? Even the stupid, silly and decidedly UN-funny ones of the bunch? If this happens a lot, she likes you. Women can be super catty about un-funny guys as friends, if she's still laughing, you are in luck, big time!

How about football? Does she make a big deal about the game on Sunday? Is she volunteering to bring over food because she "wants to watch the game"? If she's making excuses to come over and cheer on the team, or goes out of her way to let you know SHE is a big fan in her own right, she's probably lying, and likes you..:-) I've done this many times and even joined a fantasy football league to prove my sincerity. Trust me, I would have preferred to be shopping. But when you REALLY like a guy, you want to make sure he knows you're on board, and we do silly things sometimes to get the point across in a subtle way. It's your job to learn the signals we are giving you, and I'm not talking about the ones in the huddle, either. And if she's sitting there with you on Sunday fetching the chips while you cheer like a maniac, believe me, her mind is not on the game..;-)

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