
Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Having done internet dating for many years, I have come up with a checklist to help you out, and to help you get better results from your online dating.

After all, if you're paying for your dating, you want to get your money's worth.

Here is a checklist to make sure you're not making the big online dating mistakes.

1) Don't appear desperate in your profile.

Some people sound so desperate in their profile that NOBODY would be interested. You wouldn't believe some of the things I've seen on men AND women's profile's.

2) Include a decent photo

If you're going to get any interest you MUST include a decent photograph. Make sure it's taken with a decent camera, not one with 4 pixels so nobody can tell the difference between your nose and your eyes!

3) Make yourself sound INTERESTING

In your profile, make sure you include things you're passionate about. This will make you come across as an interesting, exciting person.

4) Pick a decent user name

This is especially important if you're a guy. No woman wants to talk to "Big One 69" or "Dave does it hard". It makes you sound desperate, and only interested in one thing!

5) No semi-naked photo's

Even if you've got a six pack, save it from your profile. Displaying photo's of yourself with no top on says one thing to women.....CHEESE!

6) A Tip for women

If you don't want guys emailing you with lots of crude comments and suggestions DON'T put up photo's of yourself in underwear. I know it sounds obvious, but you'd be surprised how many women put up photo's of themselves in their knickers and then complain a week later that all the guys are only after one thing.

7) Write in proper English not text speak

Nothing is more off putting than reading on someone's profile "I lyk 2 spnd the day shppng wot do u do?" or some other trash. It conveys that you have no brain and can barely talk. NOT attractive to the opposite sex (unless they have no brain and can barely talk).

8) Write something personal in your messages

If you send a message just saying "Hi", or "Hey you look hot", it shows no imagination. Most people get so many of these messages that unless you're REALLY good looking, will get instantly deleted. Write about something you noticed on their profile, or in the picture. Show that you ACTUALLY read the profile.

9) Inject some humour into your profile and messages

Have a laugh. Don't take things or yourself too seriously. Nobody can be bored into going on a date with you

10) Actually ask for the number

If you're going to go on a date, you will actually want to get the phone number first. Don't be afraid to ask for it. Be cheeky.

11) Always call the person before you meet them

I've made this mistake a few times. Getting a number, arranging the date by text, and then turning up to find that the girl has a mans voice or the most annoying voice. Same goes for women. You don't want to be out with a guy that sounds like Mickey mouse with a stammer. Speak first to avoid later discomfort.Hope some of that helps. Good luck with your dating success.

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