
Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Have you noticed how many articles there are online about seduction, what women want and the plethora of easy ways to get there? Have you also noticed how many of those have been written by men? Of course you have! Most of the ones I have come across are simply wrong! Why? Because while they might be good intentioned, they are written for men, but by other guys! Would you listen to your college roommate if he shared 10 tips for seducing a woman the proper way? Probably not, right? I mean, you've probably seen him strike out far more times than get on base, and most likely have watched him prepare a date of Monday Night Football and chicken wings far more often than a romantic, candlelight dinner for two, right? Well guess what? Underneath all of that false bravado, that is the EXACT same thing you are getting when you follow the bad advice you find online as well. Let me give you a few simple things (and there are many) that work EVERYTIME with the women I know when they are with a guy they are interested in getting to know better.

Be authentic. Having nachos and beer with a guy who is comfortable in his own skin is FAR sexier than a 5 course meal with a fake. A woman with options is always going to gravitate to a man who is real, cares about real things and TALKS about things that are relevant and important in the world. If you care about your car, your job and your sports team, that is great. If that is ALL you care about, not so much... :-) But hey, don't forget if your interests are pretty much limited to those three things, you are in luck! There are plenty of women out there who are also ONLY interested in your car and your JOB, so you will have plenty of matches swimming in the shallow end of the pool!

Be smart. EVERY woman is turned on by a smart guy. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Smart is always sexy and If you are an attractive guy to begin with, your intelligence is going to make you a VERY happy and in-demand guy. Women like to be challenged emotionally, spiritually and intellectually, and this evolves with age. If you want to really seduce your girlfriend, read books and share them with her. Nothing is a bigger turn-on for me than when a man gives me a book that he has loved and asks me to read it. No matter how much she may cheer for the team on Sunday or Monday night, your girlfriend wants to grow together, and smart guys just get this right off the bat. Take a look at the best looking supermodels and celebrities; more often than not the man you will see them with is a nerdy, sort of intellectual type, right? Trust me, intelligence is a HUGE turn-on!

Be interested! This is huge guys. If you are interested in your girl, she feels it in the very fabric of her being. And that is very, very sexy.....And you need to be authentic about it, a passing interest in her day, or her new male boss or coworker doesn't count! Be interested in her dreams, her goals, her childhood, her fears, her spirit....that is what turns a woman on and makes her feel comfortable and confident and safe. And a woman, who feels these emotions WANT to be with you, wants to feel incredible closeness and intimacy with YOU because it is a simple extension of that connection. You will never struggle with the art of seduction if your girl feels like you are the ONE she feels connected to, and my guess is you won't need to be checking out any more online articles on how to make it happen, either!

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