
Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Just about everything you read nowadays about finding the "love of your life" revolves around some type of "cold calling".

If you think about it... no one really talks about meeting women or the opposite through referrals... even though this is the easiest way to meet them.

Truthfully, most people have a anxiety problem going up to someone that they don't know and trying to spark up a conversation. Taking that into consideration, the easiest way to meet people is by meeting people through your social group.

If you have a "friend of a friend" around that fits the profile that you're looking for... it's much easier to open her up and have a conversation without coming off as needy. There's less pressure on both of you and... you already have a little bit of a leg up on the competition because you are already in her comfort zone whereas someone else has to break through this barrier.

The other thing is this... when you have to resort to "cold calling" women... naturally, those women may begin to wonder "why".

Do you not have anything else better to do?

Do you not have any friends of your own?

So, you have to resort to different tricks like "being cool" or "playing hard to get".

It's not that these methods are bogus. There just not as effective as meeting someone through a social group. In fact, many women have stigmas about sleeping with someone that they just met... however... if that same person is met through a group of friends... it's not so much a big deal.

Right now, you're probably saying:

"Sounds great, but my friends don't know anyone"

No problem... let's go meet some new friends.

I have to confess, you should be expanding your social network at all times...

There's never such a thing as having too many friends (although there does seem to be a limit to how many people you can effectively manage in your life, but that's another story).

I'll say this and you can take it however you want... but the most successful people with the opposite sex (success being defined as "the pick up") have the largest social networks.

You can learn all the "tips" and "tricks" that you want, but the person that has the social "in" on a given person will beat you just about every time.

Also, on a side note, your "friends" can give you a little background on the person as well...... or they might just say...

"Dude, stay away from that one... she's got herpes!"

Now, am I saying that "cold calling" women is a bad thing... absolutely not. After all, you do have to start meeting people to expand your network.

But, when you are meeting people just to meet people... it takes the pressure off a little bit and makes it a little easier on everyone involved.

Brad Howard's Angel Eyes Devil Smile delves into the "meat and potatoes" of all of the misinformation generated by the diet and fitness industry today.

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