
Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Why Women play hard to get in most of the Times

The dating game for a woman is tricky affair and one wrong move can get her involved with a moron or worse pregnant. The reason that girls are way too hard to seduce comes from fears that they have overtime developed when it comes to dealing with men. Women fears are amplified by the fact that they in most cases are likely to bear the blunt of a broken relationship than men would. For example while it's a casual thing for men to go to bed with a woman and the following morning walk away, its different for the women. A woman needs to feel secure and assured that the relationship will last.

The secret in learning how to get a woman without too much effort lies in knowing how to address these fears early. Once you are in tune with a woman's fears and promise to take care of them, they will trust and love you from the word go. However you may also want to look confident enough and somebody on top of his own life. As a rule of thumb, never whine about this or the other thing or she will notice that you are incapable of handling her fears. It all about getting comfortable that you can take care of them.

Fear of abandonment

You may have noticed in your several dating tryouts that the biggest fear among women is the fear of abandonment. Women always fear that a man will, once they have had sex with them, move on to the next girl. Whilst this may be true in most of the cases, there are many men out there genuinely interested in establishing a long lasting relationship with a girl. The fear of being duped for a girl is palpable. As a man you need to know how you are going to assure her that you in it for the long haul. Try and talk about your future with her and tell her that you see her in that future.

Fear of pregnancy

Most girls fear getting pregnant before they are married or when not ready. The fear of becoming pregnant for a girl is so real that some of them have decided to remain virgins until they are married. The fear of getting pregnant for a girl can be tackled by occasionally but very carefully talking about protection during sex. If you have not created a rapport with her for some time such that she is comfortable talking about sex with you, don't go there yet.

Fear of not being sure if they are beautiful enough

The reason why women spend over 20% of their time in front of a mirror is because they want to reassure themselves that they look nice and beautiful. The cosmetic industry would not be where it not for women taking care of their skins. A girl always appreciates being noticed. They like knowing that they stand out above the rest in beauty. They will like you if you take time to tell them how beautiful they are. And don't just say it once but over and over.

This reassurance to a girl that she is still the hottest thing around, makes her feel appreciated. And Girls like that. Learn to keep telling her that she is the most gorgeous thing you ever say and soon enough you will get her to like you and eventually get laid.

You can get lessons sent over to you on how to date women that you always thought are out of your reach by following the links below.

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