
Tuesday, November 27, 2007



There are some things that women should never do while engaged in an online relationship with a man. These things are certain to put a quick and final end to any further communications with him.

While chatting online or by email do not write your life story. His eyes will glaze over and he will fall out of his chair. Keep it short and sweet until he asks for details...then provide them slowly and only answer the questions he asks. For instance: If he asks how many siblings you have, he is NOT asking for the details of your interaction with them. He really just wants to know how many you have. Say you have 2 (or whatever is true) and then ask how many he has. For every question he asks you, you should ask one of him. Nothing turns a man off like a long- winded woman who just doesn't know when to shut up or how to listen.

Never, ever, EVER lie. I really believe that lies will catch up with you sooner or later. Many women (and men) lie about their age, marital status, employment, height, weight and a host of other things in their online profiles. That is a huge mistake. If you find a man who you are really interested in, he will find out you lied and there goes any possibility of the relationship progressing. So, just be honest. There is someone out there who will like you...even come to love you...for exactly the person you are.

Don't be too eager. It makes you look desperate and it really puts a man off. They are first and foremost conquerors and if getting the person of their desires to like them too is just too easy, they will quickly lose interest. I don't mean play "hard-to-get". I mean, don't push for a face-to-face meeting. Don't email them or IM them too frequently. Play it safe and play it cool.


We men must never assume that our wants and needs are the same as that of women. We are programmed differently in our DNA. We should not be afraid of this though. Instead we should use it to our advantage. Imagine knowing how they think and feel, this alone will put you ahead of 99% of the men out there.

Most of us men have the belief that women are attracted to looks, money and fame. In fact, most women care most about how we can make them feel. It has nothing to do with looks, money or fame. We do not need to be a Brad Pitt or George Clooney. We have been given what we have so use it! We should focus on our strengths and this confidence about ourselves alone will indirectly attract women into our lives.

In fact, we should be quite relieved. We have it easy. When a man is not physically attracted to a woman, there is not much she can do to change things. But it is always possible for a man who don't have the looks, the height, the wealth, the fame to make a women 'feel' the same way we do when we see a physically beautiful women. Ain't that cool?

Most men make the mistake of trying to buy her affection with gifts and presents.

It is pleasant of course to take her out on romantic dinners where the both of you can enjoy each others company, but if you make the mistake of buying her gifts way too early in the relationship, she will see this as a form of buying your way into her heart. And the funny thing is, if this is a women that constantly accepts your gifts and continually expects more, you may need to question how long you can keep this up and is she really with you for who you are or the presents she's been getting.

Most women actually want men whom have the confidence in themselves to know he can please her with who he is and not how much he has got superficially.

Men must never portray they are desperate to land a date or land in her pants. Subtly make it clear that you are choosing. There is nothing more powerful in a female mind than letting her know that you are selective when it comes to finding the perfect partner. This alone also sets you apart from most guys out on the street that would settle for anyone they can get. Usually it is proximity or convenience which a leads a guy towards a women. Women are usually the fishermen who throw out the bait and it is us guys hungry for a feed that get lured into anything. Make a decision to set yourself apart today! When a woman knows you are actually the one fishing and very selective of the catch, she will give it her all to impress you in reverse as she perceives she has competition!

Wow, isn't this a difference in thought!

Look out for us in the coming days as we will be sharing more tips and secrets on how to become the ultimate female attraction magnet!
In the mean time, GOOD LUCK!


Many of us have experienced it over the years. You meet a girl that you have a great platonic relationship with and then the pressure starts to build. Where is it coming from? Odds are it is from the other guys who want to know why you have not gotten more intimate with her i.e. sex. The result is a great relationship turns into an attempted conquest. In many guy circles, you either win or you lose when it comes to women.That kind of attitude has left quite a number of men (even the alleged winners) sitting in the silence of their lonely rooms wondering, "What happened?" Even with the powerful emergence of internet dating online, speed dating, live chats and all the other innovations, the same attitudes of victory or defeat are on full display.
No woman wants to be a footnote or just a notch on some guy's bed post. The majority of women deal in terms of relationships not sports. With that said, there a few things to keep in mind.

1. Communicate

Forget those old movies where the hero plays the strong silent type and the women swoon. That may go for some but most women want communication. You may think sitting there on a date quietly practicing your Clint Eastwood poses and attitude is a win win situation but more than likely, she will think you have nothing useful to contribute to the conversation. Worst than that, she may think you have not been listening and that really ticks women off.

Dating is sharing. Listening and asking her intelligent questions means you are fully engaged. Be prepared also to contribute some personal information. Not that you have to tell her your life's history at one sitting but enough to add to the conversation. The more interesting you are the more she will want to know about you.

2. Confidence or Jerk

Women may have the maternal instinct but that does not mean they are looking for a cry baby. Have confidence in yourself and keep the self pity to a minimum. She is not going out with you to audition as your therapist. Leave all the self analyzing at home.

At the other end of the spectrum is the jerk. To quote an old song, "He's a legend in his own mind and God's gift to women." No woman wants to excuse herself from the table constantly because she can only take your arrogance in small doses. You are not the King of Siam so show a little modesty.

3. Time

Attraction can happen instantaneously but growing a relationship takes time. If you feel that you would like to know her a lot better than you do and that includes mentally and emotionally as well as the physical, then be patient. The old saying anything worthwhile is worth waiting for goes double for relationships.

No woman wants to be a trophy that you put on the mantle piece to show off to your buddies so do not put your dating relationships in terms of winning or losing. Communicate, be confident without turning into a jerk and give the relationship time. Remember the only one that you should concentrate on impressing is her.


Just about everything you read nowadays about finding the "love of your life" revolves around some type of "cold calling".

If you think about it... no one really talks about meeting women or the opposite through referrals... even though this is the easiest way to meet them.

Truthfully, most people have a anxiety problem going up to someone that they don't know and trying to spark up a conversation. Taking that into consideration, the easiest way to meet people is by meeting people through your social group.

If you have a "friend of a friend" around that fits the profile that you're looking for... it's much easier to open her up and have a conversation without coming off as needy. There's less pressure on both of you and... you already have a little bit of a leg up on the competition because you are already in her comfort zone whereas someone else has to break through this barrier.

The other thing is this... when you have to resort to "cold calling" women... naturally, those women may begin to wonder "why".

Do you not have anything else better to do?

Do you not have any friends of your own?

So, you have to resort to different tricks like "being cool" or "playing hard to get".

It's not that these methods are bogus. There just not as effective as meeting someone through a social group. In fact, many women have stigmas about sleeping with someone that they just met... however... if that same person is met through a group of friends... it's not so much a big deal.

Right now, you're probably saying:

"Sounds great, but my friends don't know anyone"

No problem... let's go meet some new friends.

I have to confess, you should be expanding your social network at all times...

There's never such a thing as having too many friends (although there does seem to be a limit to how many people you can effectively manage in your life, but that's another story).

I'll say this and you can take it however you want... but the most successful people with the opposite sex (success being defined as "the pick up") have the largest social networks.

You can learn all the "tips" and "tricks" that you want, but the person that has the social "in" on a given person will beat you just about every time.

Also, on a side note, your "friends" can give you a little background on the person as well...... or they might just say...

"Dude, stay away from that one... she's got herpes!"

Now, am I saying that "cold calling" women is a bad thing... absolutely not. After all, you do have to start meeting people to expand your network.

But, when you are meeting people just to meet people... it takes the pressure off a little bit and makes it a little easier on everyone involved.

Brad Howard's Angel Eyes Devil Smile delves into the "meat and potatoes" of all of the misinformation generated by the diet and fitness industry today.


Are you curious if you are the apple of his eyes and if he's interested? Women are mystified and guessing what is going on with a man's mind. Knowing what on his mind does not have to be a mystery. You do not have to remain clueless, men exhibits body language and undeniable signs that he likes you. Here are some signs:His eyes will tell you signs that he likes you. Have you caught him staring at you or establishing an eye contact? Men stare at women they find attractive or charming. If he is establishing an eye contact, he is establishing a connection or attention towards you.

His smile is one of the signs that he likes you. Men in general do not smile a lot. If he smiles at you a lot, he is sending a signal. Smile is a very powerful gesture that signals happiness, friendliness and an invitation that he wants to talk to you.

His ears and attention are signs that he likes you. Most men hate boring conversation and cannot stay in a conversation if the person does not interest them. If he is all ears and remembers your hobbies and every little thing you've said, these are signs that he likes you and interested with you. If you are in a group, you will notice that he is always beside you and talks to you more than the other people in the group. You are the focus of his attention, teasing you and making you laugh.

His time. One of the signs that he likes you is the way he spends time with you. It is noticeable that he wants to spend more time alone with you. Once he has the opportunity to be with you, he will try his best to prolong it or call off other plans just to be with you. He also calls you for no apparent reason or mention upcoming plans sending hints that he wants to be with you.


Women are made to believe that men should make the first move and ask them out but even if you believe in that, there are still things that you can do to attract the man of your dreams. Contrary to what others believe, men are not just attracted to a beautiful face and sexy body. Learning how to attract men is not that difficult if you know how. Here are some useful tips:

Be yourself. Be comfortable with yourself and let him know that you are a unique individual through your personality and looks. Do not pretend to be someone you are not. You do not have to pretend, you can attract the man of your dreams if you are honest and comfortable with yourself.

Cook for him. As the saying goes, "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Learn to cook and you are ahead of other women and you have the advantage to attract the man of your dreams. Men are attracted to women who know how to cook and care for the people around her. Of course you also have to love what you are doing, learning how to cook and enjoying what you are doing will make you more attractive.

Be smart and improve your education. To attract the man of your dreams, you have to be smart and educated. Men are attracted to smart women, who are not boring and who speak their minds but still respect other people's opinion. You can be smart and yet not conceited. Besides, being educated is an asset not only in attracting men, but also in other areas of your life, like jobs and dealing with other people.

Enhance your asset. Another saying is "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". There is no single definition of beauty; everyone has their own preference of beauty. Any woman can be beautiful in her own right. Know your asset and what makes you more attractive and beautiful. Maybe you have beautiful hair or skin and there's nothing wrong to flaunt it once in a while. Wear sleeveless on appropriate occasions if you have beautiful shoulder and arms. Wear make up to enhance your beauty but do not over do it. You have the asset and natural beauty to attract the man of your dreams.

Wear a smile. There's nothing more powerful than being approachable and friendly. You will draw people to you if you wear a smile. You can attract the man of your dreams with your angelic smile, knowing that you are approachable and friendly.


Do you want to have a perfect date? Have you ever been accused of not being romantic enough? Does your usual date consist of going for a meal or a movie? This is great but why not get more creative and finally have the perfect date, first, second and third...

Dating can be very expensive and no matter how much money you spend, you just cannot get it perfect. Have that ever happen to you? You invite this someone special out for dinner, you go to the most expensive restaurant, you get them whatever they want, spend lots of money... and did not even get a second date. Was the date not perfect? You spent so much money on it and what?

You see to have a perfect date it has to be special. Something that you and your date can remember for years to come. Bringing your date for a dinner is very common, 80% of people bring their date for a dinner. And no matter how much money you spend on food it is still just another dinner date, in other words nothing special.Most of the time it is men who bring women out on dates, so remember that women are usually more romantic then men. They want something special to happen and are looking for this perfect prince who will make all their dreams come true. So why not be this perfect prince? It is a win win situation, they will get what they want(perfect prince) and you will get what you want(a second date and a woman who is crazy about you). Think of what this woman is like, really think of what would she like to do? Maybe you could invite her surfing or snowboarding, go to some art collection or simply bring her to watch the sunset where there is a beautiful view.

This is not to say that women cannot bring men out. Why do you think people usually go for dates to the cinema or dinner? Just simply because they do not have enough fantasy to go and do something special. But maybe next time you can catch your guy`s attention by inviting him to go to a car show or a match.
Remember that to have a perfect date you do not need a lot of money, just a bit of imagination. Fantasy is all you need. And remember no matter how much money you spend, the perfect date cannot be bought.


Online dating has been a revolution ever since it started, but like every coin has another side to it. It poses some serious side effects, which if not taken care of shall result in disasters. You need to understand on how online dating can affect your life, habits, routine and time management. Before getting into details, a word of caution to all those passionate online daters: be careful and understand that prevention is better than cure!For first timers, it's an amazing, new and unseen experience which immediately attracts their attention. But you might end up having a bad company, someone who might mislead you, someone who might exploit you and what not? First of all, extensive dating can turn into an addiction that kills your precious time.
People who tend to get involved in such relationship tend to forget everything else and sit in front of the computer almost throughout the day; such activities not only affect their other work but their health as well. They tend to stay online for long periods, skipping meals and sleep and avoiding their responsibilities. These individuals also drift away from family and friends and start experiencing drastic mood swings. The worst is when they have a problem with the computer or cannot login to the website, they become highly frustrated and keep on grumbling.

More cons of online dating are:

- Risk of meeting a dishonest person who created a profile with a dating site only for scamming other member, telling them he/she is in need of help and would appreciate if they could cooperate with money.
- Paying your membership fee and then realizing the website has not enough members, so it will be very difficult to find someone.

But not everything is bad, online dating provides many benefits too. The Internet provides a wider selection of men and women. With so many profiles online you can narrow down your serch to find those specific carachteristics important to you. You will be able to get to know your dream date even before you have met them. Several websites offer these services you can take advantage of. This is one way of increasing your chances of meeting your dream date. Staying true to the romantic art of exchanging notes and letters, online dating has taken the next modern step of expressing yourself through the Internet. This adds a mystery into the relationship which is why some people would like to have a relationship before they take the next step of arranging to meet personally.

Internet has been a great revolution and probably the very reason for the arrival of the information age, but you need to be careful while using it because addiction to anything is never good. And when it comes to online dating, it is great if you find a genuine person but do not waste your time if you feel it is not for you as there are many more options to find a partner.


There is one mistake that so many men make when first approaching a woman. It is the one thing that will immediately turn a woman off and make it almost impossible for you to get to know her better. It is called negativity. It is what can make the difference between a woman getting up and walking away for staying to chat with you.

It can happen without you even realizing it. You are talking to her and everything goes well and then suddenly you notice a distinct disinterest from her. What you may not have realized is that you have turned on a negative vibe that she picked up on. It could be a negative comment that you said about someone, or it could be a negative comment that you said about yourself. You may not have meat to say anything negative at all, but when it happens you can almost always see it on her face immediately.

When making a comment about someone or a judgment that shows your negativity it tends to make women shy away. They are very aware of what it means to be judged themselves and they tend to look at a negative person in a different light then they may have even minutes before. Even if you only are judging someone's style of dress or hairstyle, if you do so within the first meeting with a woman they will most likely find you immature and impolite. It could just make her uncomfortable around you, feeling as if any minute she could be judged.

The way to stop it is simple. Since it is in your head, instead of speaking it, simply disregard it. If you are in a foul mood then do something to put you in a happier mood. Most of all, refrain from saying anything negative that will make her feel awkward or uneasy with you. It helps to become aware of what you say that may be construed as a negative statement and try to consciously try to change it so that you come off as a positive and non-judgmental person. That way you will impress the woman and get to know her even better.


Why Women play hard to get in most of the Times

The dating game for a woman is tricky affair and one wrong move can get her involved with a moron or worse pregnant. The reason that girls are way too hard to seduce comes from fears that they have overtime developed when it comes to dealing with men. Women fears are amplified by the fact that they in most cases are likely to bear the blunt of a broken relationship than men would. For example while it's a casual thing for men to go to bed with a woman and the following morning walk away, its different for the women. A woman needs to feel secure and assured that the relationship will last.

The secret in learning how to get a woman without too much effort lies in knowing how to address these fears early. Once you are in tune with a woman's fears and promise to take care of them, they will trust and love you from the word go. However you may also want to look confident enough and somebody on top of his own life. As a rule of thumb, never whine about this or the other thing or she will notice that you are incapable of handling her fears. It all about getting comfortable that you can take care of them.

Fear of abandonment

You may have noticed in your several dating tryouts that the biggest fear among women is the fear of abandonment. Women always fear that a man will, once they have had sex with them, move on to the next girl. Whilst this may be true in most of the cases, there are many men out there genuinely interested in establishing a long lasting relationship with a girl. The fear of being duped for a girl is palpable. As a man you need to know how you are going to assure her that you in it for the long haul. Try and talk about your future with her and tell her that you see her in that future.

Fear of pregnancy

Most girls fear getting pregnant before they are married or when not ready. The fear of becoming pregnant for a girl is so real that some of them have decided to remain virgins until they are married. The fear of getting pregnant for a girl can be tackled by occasionally but very carefully talking about protection during sex. If you have not created a rapport with her for some time such that she is comfortable talking about sex with you, don't go there yet.

Fear of not being sure if they are beautiful enough

The reason why women spend over 20% of their time in front of a mirror is because they want to reassure themselves that they look nice and beautiful. The cosmetic industry would not be where it not for women taking care of their skins. A girl always appreciates being noticed. They like knowing that they stand out above the rest in beauty. They will like you if you take time to tell them how beautiful they are. And don't just say it once but over and over.

This reassurance to a girl that she is still the hottest thing around, makes her feel appreciated. And Girls like that. Learn to keep telling her that she is the most gorgeous thing you ever say and soon enough you will get her to like you and eventually get laid.

You can get lessons sent over to you on how to date women that you always thought are out of your reach by following the links below.


If you are a man, the following tips will give you an advantage over other members:* Do not allow yourself to become discouraged. Considering that women receive from 50 to 200 responses on average, she simply does not have the time to respond to all and if she does, it will take time for you to hear back to your inquiry.
Therefore, be patient with the process.

* Take a proactive approach with online dating. Rather than focus in on one woman, send messages to several women to help increase your chances of getting a response. While you want to keep your eyes on women that match your interest the best, be careful not to be overly selective.

* Try to create a unique profile and when you send messages, make them stand out from the other hundreds the woman will receive. Start with a catchy title and then in the content of the message, talk about something you read in her profile. This will show her that you did indeed read her profile and that you took the time to find and make a connection.

* Always be honest. If a woman asks you a question such as, "So, what do you do for a living?" You could answer that you were a doctor or lawyer when in fact, you are a maintenance worker but in time, the truth will come out. Therefore, answer honestly but make it interesting.

* Do not talk about sex or things that are too personal. This kind of conversation should be left to people that have know each other for some time and are an actual couple. Sex should never be a part of casual conversation, especially when you first meet.

If you are a woman looking to meet a man for friendship or a possible love connection, the following tips will help you succeed:

* When you choose your user name, try to be creative. You want the men to stop when they see your name rather than simply pass you by with all the other common names.

* # Be a little bit flirty in your headline. You want the headline of your profile to be short but punchy. You can capture someone's attention without being too aggressive. The time to be fun and show off your sense of humor is when writing your profile headline.

* Make sure you have photos in your profile that include both a head portrait and full body shot. Let us face it - men are visual so photos that show your personality are perfect. For instance, if you have a new puppy, have a photo taken in an outdoor setting of you and your canine friend.

* When you respond to a man, avoid writing a novel. Women by nature tend to overdo the responses with online dating services. Therefore, answer any questions, be witty, and then ask a few questions of your own without it running into a 20-page reply.

* Respond to everyone. Although this may seem like a daunting task, it is important. The reason is that many online dating services show the number or percentage of responses for each member. Therefore, if you were only to respond to 10% of the messages you receive, someone may not feel confident in writing to you at all. However, if someone sees that you respond to 80% of your messages or more, they will be more apt to contact you.


For as long as humans have been on this Earth, dating has played an integral part of happy, healthy relationships. Perhaps the first caveman brought a token of his affection to his paramour.

It may not have been roses and chocolates but it was the beginning of the courtship dance that embraces all life. Mankind does it. Animals do it. The birds and the bees do it. Dating may change styles but the end result of being a couple or mate is where we are all headed and that is being together.

What is the whole deal with internet dating?

Many people find that the internet is a fast way to connect with many people. It is probably less expensive than going to bars looking for that special someone. Most websites allow you to customize your search, thus eliminating people you think might not be best suited for you. There are also websites that are based on important issues such as religion, sexuality or even age and ethnic groups.

I always thought that finding a date on the internet or through a personal ad was for someone afraid to get out. Is this true?

It might be true for a small minority of individuals. Most internet dating users find that websites give a chance to get to know the person before committing to that all important first date.

It also allows you the chance to show a different aspect of yourself. If you are shy it could mean the difference between an awkward first date between strangers and a comfortable meeting between two people who already know something about each other.

What is the difference between a dating site and adult personal's site?

Ah, this is an interesting question. If you go to a dating website and then visit an adult personal's site, you will immediately notice the difference. Though clothing seems to get skimpier and skimpier in an effort to attract more suitors, the lack of clothing and erotic poses should clue you in to the nature of adult personal sites.Many dating websites screen for married people but of course this only works if the person is honest. An adult personal website will have quite a lot of married people looking for "intimate" encounters outside the confines of their marriage.

Are there any other ways to find dates?

Yes, of course there are other ways to find dates other than using the internet. Once upon a time the internet did not exist and yet people still managed to date. Dating has been around for thousands of years.

It may not be as easy to surf through pictures and ads but it can have added benefits. These benefits could be a sense of empowerment over shyness or even tackling new hobbies in order to expand your dating pool.Many people can attest that their partners were met in unusual places such as the grocery store, doctor's office or even the park. It still requires that leap into the unknown but at least you know that if you met a man or woman at a dog park, chances are they like dogs.

What are date advisors or consultation firms?

Dating advisors or consultation firms are businesses that specialize in the world of dating. They analyze what criteria a person is searching for, what type of personality they possess and even can help the would-be suitor revamp their image.

In short... they tell you where you are going wrong. Are they always right? No, but they may be able to help you if you find yourself flailing about in unfamiliar waters. Many advisors can help coach you along in areas you are unfamiliar with such as conversation or proper etiquette.


It can seem like a dream come true. You register with an online dating site, send your payment, usually instantly online, and now you have access to hundreds of people, just like you, and all looking to find their life-partner! However, this may be true in theory, but often, in practice it is not quite like this.

Starting with these points, people started frequent conversations and realized that they could find soul mates via this medium, some one who was ideal and they could not reach him/her without this source. Hence came into existence of online dating.

However, the dream may seem great, but the reality can be very different. If you are considering using an Online Dating site, then there are a few points that you should consider before doing so.

First, you should ask yourself why you are using this site. Many people come online to look for people who will become just friends, and nothing else. They may not even ever meet up with these people. If this is your reason then you should consider using a social networking site, rather than a dating site.

Getting to know someone online means that you can be whoever you want to be. You do not need to fear the consequences of seeming different or off beat to someone, as it is all done through the typed medium of the Internet. This means that people can be freer to be themselves.

All this gives an individual is happiness and satisfaction and a lot of faith in this medium of interaction. But over a period of time this effort of getting people meet online was commercialized and people opened up various online dating websites and portals where there were a lot of fake attractive faces just to enroll newer members to the club and mint money. Then things went from bad to worse as things on these websites were made vulgar with posting of adult content and undesirable material.

A less palatable consideration is that, with the rise in many sites offering adult material online, you need to be sure that you are on the right site. Do not pay any fees until you have checked the site out thoroughly, and are satisfied it is the right place to meet the kind of person that you hope to meet.

People often complaint that the person behaves in highly differential manners as compared to online and in real life situation but that is a risk you might have to take. But there are a few who are just crying about it as they have invested money in a online dating site where they appear to be the only genuine members hence the bottom line says that a good amount of home work and references need to be done before you actually risk your hard earned money in online dating sites today.


When you date someone who's divorced there can be certain challenges you may face. This is exasperated when the person is still involved in some way or another with an ex. You may feel like this is all extra baggage that can be just thrown aside. You may actually be a little surprised but there can be some advantages to relationships that are like this.

A marriage can end for many different reasons. It may not be the fault of one person or another. Sometimes people marry very young and then they find that as they grow older their priorities change and they become different than when they first met. Many times we need more than one long term relationship to understand what we want and need in a partner.

Someone divorced will have had at least one relationship that has been serious. That person should have learned a little from the mistakes either they or there partner had made during that time and this should make them better able to judge who will be right for them. As you may know that with any relationship there are tell tale signs to watch out for.

The negatives may seem like they outweigh the positives. In some cases they do but if your either dating someone after a divorce or you yourself are recently divorced as long you go into it with an open mind and make sure to be cautious, you should be able to date and have fun doing it.


I hear this question often when I'm on many of the different dating websites and forums, how long should I wait after a divorce before I start dating. While every location has its own standards about what is appropriate, it is a much better idea to place your own needs and feelings above these standards. One of the most important things to keep in mind is that by starting to date again after your divorce you are recapturing your status as single, it's generally a good idea to not hold off too long on this. Regardless of your marriage or the reasons for the divorce, it is important to start seeing yourself as someone who's single, and to convey this to other people and in your general life.

When you start to decide how long you should wait before you begin dating, seeing yourself and presenting yourself as someone who is single, is the most beneficial way to go on with your life after you have a divorce. When you make this decision you should try to avoid these two common mistakes; the first being that of isolating yourself from social contacts and general socializing; the second is when you get into another relationship far ahead of when you are actually ready. These two common mistakes are counterproductive and will stand in your way of your immediate need, which is to reestablish yourself as being a single, independent person.

Going back into the social scene of dating after a divorce should mean standing on your own two feet and taking the fist steps in your life without your former spouse: this should be priority one for you. In some circumstances there are factors that you need to take into consideration, such as weather you still have ties to your former spouse, as this can make the transition to being single more difficult it they are not addressed. Also if you and your former spouse maintain some aspect of contact because of children or money problems, for example, it is important to keep a perspective on the issues and to not let them interfere with your being single and needing to move on with your life. You are the only person who can decide what necessary contact is and what is just adding more strain and stress to your new life.

Each individual needs will be different, it is in your best interest not to let too much time go by between when you get a divorce and when you start your new single life. Starting to socialize more, including dating, is a major part of this transition. There is no golden rule that applies to everyone, a year or more is generally considered too long to remain in a divorced limbo, and not yet into the real world. Your independence is key, as it is a sure sign that you are looking onward to the rest of your life.


Women are by and large indecisive about lots of things. What outfit should I wear, what is my favorite flavor of ice cream and most importantly, what is my favorite pair of shoes to wear with this skirt..:-) Of course I'm being a little bit facetious, but the one thing that we are DEFINITELY not indecisive about is how we feel about a guy that we really like. If a woman really likes you, there is no dispute. Her friends know, her mom may know, but you may NEVER know unless she makes the first move! I have seen a lot of good guys miss out on chances with really good looking girls who were an absolutely great catch, just because he never figured out whether she liked him, or not! And sadly, he never made the move so everyone loses. Don't let this happen to you. If you see any of these signs from a girl you like, but aren't sure how she feels about you, you better make your move because she WANTS you to!

If EVERY time you see this girl she is dressed up, or has lipstick on, this is a dead giveaway she likes you. Any self respecting woman with a killer crush on a cute guy would never show up un-announced without lipstick! Even the smartest, most career oriented friends of mine ( who are beautiful too!) will fall into an absolute panic if a guy they like bumps into us while they have no lipstick on. Quirky, but true - check it out, if she's got it on always, or putting it on while you are there, she likes you (or one of your friends!)

Does she laugh at all of your jokes? Even the stupid, silly and decidedly UN-funny ones of the bunch? If this happens a lot, she likes you. Women can be super catty about un-funny guys as friends, if she's still laughing, you are in luck, big time!

How about football? Does she make a big deal about the game on Sunday? Is she volunteering to bring over food because she "wants to watch the game"? If she's making excuses to come over and cheer on the team, or goes out of her way to let you know SHE is a big fan in her own right, she's probably lying, and likes you..:-) I've done this many times and even joined a fantasy football league to prove my sincerity. Trust me, I would have preferred to be shopping. But when you REALLY like a guy, you want to make sure he knows you're on board, and we do silly things sometimes to get the point across in a subtle way. It's your job to learn the signals we are giving you, and I'm not talking about the ones in the huddle, either. And if she's sitting there with you on Sunday fetching the chips while you cheer like a maniac, believe me, her mind is not on the game..;-)


Do Cheesy Pick Up Lines Really Work? The 411 You Need to Know Before Blowing Your ChancesSo you are heading out for a night of fun and partying with your friends and pretty set on making a connection before the night is out. You watch a few of your friends hook up with old flames, co-workers, etc - and you are left in the corner just holding your bottle of beer. Not being one brimming with overconfidence when it comes to approaching women cold in a bar setting, you slowly start to mentally recite all of those old, ingrained cheesy pickup lines silently searching for the right one......

Sound familiar? Well - if it does, don't worry, you aren't alone! Most women have heard every bad, corny cheesy pickup line invented since the original caveman uttered - "come here often" to whoever it was that caveman hit on back in the good old days..:-) But are they used so much because they work, or not? The answer WILL NOT surprise you.

Cheesy pick up lines work. But only on cheesy women! How high your standards are is a better question! Look, if you approach a group of girls and throw out a few self depreciating lines straight out of a bad pick up movie, yes we are going to laugh WITH you, not at you. Everyone understands breaking the ice is not easy. But if you come sauntering over with that come hither stare, no matter how attractive you may be - if the first words out of your mouth are obnoxious and cliché, guess what? You aren't going to be making any major moves on me or my friends, I'll tell you that! Might that work on the girl hanging on the bar at 2 AM when they are mopping the floor? Probably. But while you rehearse the bad lines, guys without half of your

attractiveness and ambition are getting much further using simple friendly charm and sincerity.

The bottom line is if you are going to use a cheesy pick up line, make it funny, have fun with it and be able to laugh at yourself when you make the approach. Even the oldest line in the book coming from someone who doesn't take himself too seriously and can laugh at the awkwardness of meeting new people will appear charming, charismatic and generally the kind of person we want to get to know better. And that is the point of using it in the first place, right? Right..:-)


Many people refuse to even consider online dating. When you ask them why, you get reasons that range from skepticism about the whole process to fear of what they maybe getting into. A lot of people just want to stick with the tried and true traditional dating. They figure the risks will be a lot less than meeting someone they have never seen in person.

While that is a fair point, it seems to neglect the fact that traditional dating also contains a certain amount of risk. For instance even if a good friend sets you up with a blind date, you have no idea of what you maybe walking into. Yet thousands of people every year still go out on blind dates.

Online dating is no different and like the offline world you have to practice caution and common sense when hooking up for the first time.

1. The Meeting Place

No matter how much you two hit it off when you are chatting online, keep in mind you still do not really know each other. Do not kid yourself into believing that meeting at your house or theirs will put both of you at ease and make the date go better. It might but do not take that chance. You can do perfectly well learning about the other person in a public place. In addition, stay away from secluded areas and places with poor lighting. You can always do some reconnaissance work and scope out the meeting place ahead of time. Try to avoid any first date that appears to start a little too late in the evening. If you are jittery bring along a chaperone and encourage your date to do the same.

2. Transportation

If the two of you have your own cars, then use them. Do not offer to pick your date up and vice versa. Do not have a vehicle? Then make arrangements with a friend or a family member (offer to pay for gas). In the event that your people cannot provide transportation, carry money for a cab or just catch the bus. Politely decline if your date does offer a ride. If you two are on the same wavelength they should understand where you are coming from.

3. Non alcoholic

Drinking has long been a part of the social scene. Nothing wrong with that but try your best to avoid it on your first date. If you do drink, keep it to just one (preferably something very mild) and nurse it. It is not that you are on a quest to get drunk; maybe one beverage does not even affect you but it can impair your judgment no matter how minuscule. When you are on this first date, you want and need all of your faculties to be sharp.

4. Tell someone

Do not just walk out of the house without letting your family and friends know where you are going. If you have a cell phone carry it with you. Make sure you check in with them during and after the date; especially afterwards. To check in during the date, just excuse yourself briefly. The key word here is BRIEFLY. Being away too long might make your date a little nervous.

5. Listen to You

Your mind is telling you the evening is going very well but your intuition is ringing like a five alarm fire bell. If it does not feel right to you then cut the date short and leave at once. Do not be embarrassed and you are under no obligation to go into a detailed explanation of why. Just politely make your apologies and go. Trust your intuition and let it play a major role in your decision making process. Better an awkward exit now then a bad situation later

.Dating carries risks when you are meeting someone for the first time. Sure you want to be relaxed and have a great time but you still must practice some safety tips. Meeting someone new can be exhilarating but to keep it on the positive side requires a little common sense and caution on your part.


Have you noticed how many articles there are online about seduction, what women want and the plethora of easy ways to get there? Have you also noticed how many of those have been written by men? Of course you have! Most of the ones I have come across are simply wrong! Why? Because while they might be good intentioned, they are written for men, but by other guys! Would you listen to your college roommate if he shared 10 tips for seducing a woman the proper way? Probably not, right? I mean, you've probably seen him strike out far more times than get on base, and most likely have watched him prepare a date of Monday Night Football and chicken wings far more often than a romantic, candlelight dinner for two, right? Well guess what? Underneath all of that false bravado, that is the EXACT same thing you are getting when you follow the bad advice you find online as well. Let me give you a few simple things (and there are many) that work EVERYTIME with the women I know when they are with a guy they are interested in getting to know better.

Be authentic. Having nachos and beer with a guy who is comfortable in his own skin is FAR sexier than a 5 course meal with a fake. A woman with options is always going to gravitate to a man who is real, cares about real things and TALKS about things that are relevant and important in the world. If you care about your car, your job and your sports team, that is great. If that is ALL you care about, not so much... :-) But hey, don't forget if your interests are pretty much limited to those three things, you are in luck! There are plenty of women out there who are also ONLY interested in your car and your JOB, so you will have plenty of matches swimming in the shallow end of the pool!

Be smart. EVERY woman is turned on by a smart guy. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Smart is always sexy and If you are an attractive guy to begin with, your intelligence is going to make you a VERY happy and in-demand guy. Women like to be challenged emotionally, spiritually and intellectually, and this evolves with age. If you want to really seduce your girlfriend, read books and share them with her. Nothing is a bigger turn-on for me than when a man gives me a book that he has loved and asks me to read it. No matter how much she may cheer for the team on Sunday or Monday night, your girlfriend wants to grow together, and smart guys just get this right off the bat. Take a look at the best looking supermodels and celebrities; more often than not the man you will see them with is a nerdy, sort of intellectual type, right? Trust me, intelligence is a HUGE turn-on!

Be interested! This is huge guys. If you are interested in your girl, she feels it in the very fabric of her being. And that is very, very sexy.....And you need to be authentic about it, a passing interest in her day, or her new male boss or coworker doesn't count! Be interested in her dreams, her goals, her childhood, her fears, her spirit....that is what turns a woman on and makes her feel comfortable and confident and safe. And a woman, who feels these emotions WANT to be with you, wants to feel incredible closeness and intimacy with YOU because it is a simple extension of that connection. You will never struggle with the art of seduction if your girl feels like you are the ONE she feels connected to, and my guess is you won't need to be checking out any more online articles on how to make it happen, either!


Why would a beautiful, talented person be without a date or a partner? Do you think it's because: all the good ones are married, there isn't anyone you can trust "out there," she isn't young enough, she isn't thin enough, and, it's just impossible to meet a good guy at her age?

Though dating and meeting someone isn't as easy as plucking a plum off of a tree, attractive people can throw a bunch of roadblocks in their paths. The obstacles then become intimidating. Beautiful people often do not understand that just as they put the roadblocks there, they can remove them.

Here are some of the roadblocks people construct that keep them single:

* ROADBLOCK #1: An obsession to be perfect

Even though single beautiful people look like they have everything going for them, they don't see it that way. They say things like: they can't go out to meet people because they have to lose some weight, or go get Botox treatments, or consider liposuction, or get their house looking perfect. They have a long list of things to do first. Do you have any of these thoughts running through your head?

SOLUTION: How can you start dating? First, start to associate yourself with people who see you as wonderful. Then, work to counter the negative voice that tells you that you are not enough. Finally, set some reasonable goals about your weight and other changes you want to make. Give yourself a time frame within which to accomplish what you need. Talk with your best friend or a coach about what is realistic. REMEMBER: no one is perfect.

* ROADBLOCK #2: Fear of rejection

Beautiful people who are alone are often good at their work, admired by their peers, gorgeous, and athletic. Why do they fear rejection? Why doesn't the confidence in their work transfer over into their social life? Because many singles imagine that they are unworthy. If other singles don't pursue them and fall madly in love with them, they think they have been rejected. They then consider this as evidence that they will never find love. Do you recognize that fear in yourself?

SOLUTION: Why aren't you dating? It is easy to feel rejected if you do not take action to meet people. Success comes in the VOLUME of people you meet. You have to get out often, be friendly, and start conversations. If someone does not respond to you, you just move on because you have a volume of people to relate to. If you have four or five guys (or gals) asking you out, who cares if one of them is eliminated? You see it as simply a weeding process.

* ROADBLOCK #3: Fear of taking risks

Beautiful and talented singles will often do anything to get out of taking risks. We're not talking about bungee jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. But I think they would find that less fearful than going out and socializing. They go to work, stay long hours, spend the weekends catching up on work, and rarely go anywhere. Dinner and a movie with a friend once a month is about as exciting as it gets. Then, they fuss about how no one ever asks them out. How could anyone find them? Are you hidden away where no one can see you?

SOLUTION: Why aren't you dating? The primary thought that keeps singles from going out is that it is undignified to go "looking" for love. They may think it is not respectable to be flirtatious. Therefore, they may not make any gestures toward being friendly with other singles. But what happens is that singles can eventually become hermits and seem aloof to others when they do go out. All it takes is a plan to socialize and then to be friendly when they get there.

If you are single and alone and want to meet someone, can you smile, make eye contact, ask a question, and listen? Of course you can. Now is the time to remove your roadblocks and make your single life happy.


Guys and gals alike often find themselves wondering what it takes to learn how to get a date. The actual case is you need to master the art of how to get a date.

There are some simple rules to learning the ropes of how to get a date. These apply to the guys as much as the gals, too. Here they are:

1) Be confident to yourself

If you can show yourself to be more confident in every aspect you have, you will learn the best ways how to get a date. Be comfortable with your own face and skin color, do not need try to change your look differently and so on, your own confident looking will impress other people.

2) Go out and meet some people

It's virtually impossible to have a chance to even learn how to get a date if people who are also looking don't know you and don't know you're available. Mixing around with people and mingling is better than hanging out in singles bars. It is better to learn how to meet people and get a date at club, functions, at church, work or through friends. Do a bit of background checking on guy or girls you are going to meet.

3) To be patient

The game of how to get a date could consume a lot of time especially for new people. It takes time and patience in order to face opposite sex and learning the right techniques.

4) Do not easy to be desperate

If you are easy get into desperate, then you will having problem learning how to get a date. Unless a guy (or a girl) wants a one night stand that's almost guaranteed, desperation is never a good thing. Being available doesn't mean drooling after the first single guy or girl you see. Learning how to get a date takes more than desperation.

5) Ask for it!

Just for for it, there's one surefire way to find out if learning how to get a date has paid off. Ask your opponent sex to have outing for a cup of coffee or dinner. Do not worry so much about rejection, just do it! You may end up good answer you are hoping of!

6) Send out the correct signals

Sending out the right signals could end up going out with the person you are interested. If you hide, look away or act totally disinterested every they are near, you might not learn how to get a date very fast! This doesn't mean you need to fall all over them, but at least show some interest however modest.


There are many internet dating personals sites out there. But which to try.Most have free membership so the best way to know if the type of people on the site are for you is for you to try it out. Sign up. It costs you no money, just a little time.

Put up your profile and be honest. Like attracts like so this way you won't be disappointed when you don't get what you see. I have found that different types of people are drawn to different types of sites. A site like FriendFinder attracts nice, simple, down to earth people. If you are looking for a friend or a friendship even a relationship this is a friendly site to try. This one is for the shy person.

RSVP is a huge internet dating personals site in Australia with over 1. 1 million members. Find a friend, perhaps a lover or even a life long partner. Search through thousands of profiles. You can also chat online and even get access through your mobile. If you are looking for something a little bit naughty or even a bit raunchy then Adult FriendFinder is for you. It has an active member base of over 23 million people worldwide. So you should definitely be able to find someone around the world on a lonely night to keep you company if you know what I mean!

Maybe you are looking for a wealthy mate or a very attractive partner than Sugardaddie is the place for you. This site has been featured on Dr Phil many times and if he approves you know it must be good. Rich men look for girls to spoil and even Sugarmammas look for a toy boy to spoil.

There is also the new site MillionaireMate site which is a new internet dating personals site which was started by the FriendFinder group. This is not so much a Sugardaddie type site but a site for wealthy people looking to find wealthy and beautiful mates. The main point I am making is that you have to be in it to win it. There are hundreds of millions of people combined on all of these sites looking for love and if you are in it you just may find the love of you life.


Having done internet dating for many years, I have come up with a checklist to help you out, and to help you get better results from your online dating.

After all, if you're paying for your dating, you want to get your money's worth.

Here is a checklist to make sure you're not making the big online dating mistakes.

1) Don't appear desperate in your profile.

Some people sound so desperate in their profile that NOBODY would be interested. You wouldn't believe some of the things I've seen on men AND women's profile's.

2) Include a decent photo

If you're going to get any interest you MUST include a decent photograph. Make sure it's taken with a decent camera, not one with 4 pixels so nobody can tell the difference between your nose and your eyes!

3) Make yourself sound INTERESTING

In your profile, make sure you include things you're passionate about. This will make you come across as an interesting, exciting person.

4) Pick a decent user name

This is especially important if you're a guy. No woman wants to talk to "Big One 69" or "Dave does it hard". It makes you sound desperate, and only interested in one thing!

5) No semi-naked photo's

Even if you've got a six pack, save it from your profile. Displaying photo's of yourself with no top on says one thing to women.....CHEESE!

6) A Tip for women

If you don't want guys emailing you with lots of crude comments and suggestions DON'T put up photo's of yourself in underwear. I know it sounds obvious, but you'd be surprised how many women put up photo's of themselves in their knickers and then complain a week later that all the guys are only after one thing.

7) Write in proper English not text speak

Nothing is more off putting than reading on someone's profile "I lyk 2 spnd the day shppng wot do u do?" or some other trash. It conveys that you have no brain and can barely talk. NOT attractive to the opposite sex (unless they have no brain and can barely talk).

8) Write something personal in your messages

If you send a message just saying "Hi", or "Hey you look hot", it shows no imagination. Most people get so many of these messages that unless you're REALLY good looking, will get instantly deleted. Write about something you noticed on their profile, or in the picture. Show that you ACTUALLY read the profile.

9) Inject some humour into your profile and messages

Have a laugh. Don't take things or yourself too seriously. Nobody can be bored into going on a date with you

10) Actually ask for the number

If you're going to go on a date, you will actually want to get the phone number first. Don't be afraid to ask for it. Be cheeky.

11) Always call the person before you meet them

I've made this mistake a few times. Getting a number, arranging the date by text, and then turning up to find that the girl has a mans voice or the most annoying voice. Same goes for women. You don't want to be out with a guy that sounds like Mickey mouse with a stammer. Speak first to avoid later discomfort.Hope some of that helps. Good luck with your dating success.


There are a huge number of online dating sites available for you to join, the variety is wide and one of them is those aimed specifically at those over the age of 18. If you are looking for something a bit different or just a casual relationship aimed more for just sex than serious relationships, then the adult online dating community is where you should probably be heading.
The majority of online adult sites are not for the faint hearted and those that get easily offended although there are some that are tamer than others if you to take the time to look around by doing a search using one of the popular search engines. You should look over a few and determine what it is that you are looking for in an adult dating site before paying the membership fee, some are very raunchy and considered by some to be fetish clubs while others just offer casual sexual one nights very discreetly.
The majority of adult dating sites will let you join for free, however by doing so the participation in the club is of course very limited. However it can give you an excellent insight into what the club has to offer and if it is the right place for you.
Take care when choosing the adult dating site as some cater for anyone while others cater specific for different genres such as gay, couples, fetish or discreet.

All sites offer you the ability to search through the profiles listed online, which enables you to find your perfect match whatever you are looking for.

What makes the adult sites different from regular dating sites is what the site offers as extras, all online dating sites offer ways of communicating but the adult sites usually offer extras. Depending on the site you choose to join they may offer such things as live video sex shows and chats, meetings, quizzes and chat rooms. Some of the chat rooms offer extras such as the ability to watch adult movies while chatting.

While all sites offer free membership if you wish to take part in most of the activities then you will have to pay for membership. However make sure that you do take advantage of the free offer to take a look around, this way you can make sure that the site is suitable for what you are looking for.

There are other ways to get into the online dating scene without paying for subscription, there are many sites that offer classified adult dating. Here people list what the are looking for and then get in touch with the person you are interested in and swap photos and talk. However these sites are usually for those who just want one night stands with the emphasis being on sex rather than developing a long lasting relationship.


People who can't get a date seem to be plentiful. Whether it's plain ruts or an inability to let the opposite sex know they are interested, the fact is there are things people can do to fix the I can't get a date problem without making themselves look distressed. Both men and women alike who find themselves wonder why they can't get a date, shall they take a good firm look at the things they are doing to help their condition. Many will find they are making some common mistakes to worsen the situation of I can't get a date problem.

There are many types of reasons why people find they can't get a date. If you're one of them, who has a can't get a date issue, take a look at:

1) What do you do during your free time.

Are you spending time in places looking for opposite sex that can be found? Or, are you alone in your home? Participate in clubs, go to church, move around in the park. What you just need is get out of your house. Else you'll never fix the issue of I can't get a date problem if you don't mix and blend with the opposite sex.

2) The signals you send.

Are you closing down some possible dates before they even ask you to come out? If you look and pretend to be totally no interested, the opposite sex will be so, too. There are ways to send the right signals without looking desperate.

3) Your look.

No, You don't need to look like a super model, but those who take care of their appearance tends to do better on the dating front. Dress a bit nicer will be a help if you can't get a date, try to dress a little nicer, brush your hair a little better and just take an overall greater interest in appearance. It's shallow, but true, both men and women are generally initially attracted by looks. If you can't get a date, consider making some modest changes.

4) How you act.

Be confident of who you are! If you're not, this could be the root of your I can't get a date problem. Try to be happy with yourself. If you are, you're likely to find other people will be, too.

5) What you do.

Are you trying to ask people out, too? If not, you might want to. The opposite sex can be shaky on asking out, too, so break the ice by asking yourself. He or she might reject you, or you mind find your can't get a date issue goes away. Have some thick skin here, but the more you get out and try, the more likely you are to find the can't get a date issue is too many dates now!


No one can make us unhappy unless we let them. It is not what happens in our life that brings unhappiness; it is how we choose to react to what happens that sets the mood for our feeling and emotions. I say this to allow you to take personal responsibility for your reaction in every situation.

Consciously choosing your reaction is very empowering, especially if you choose to react in a positive, life-supporting way. When we love unconditionally, we love because it brings us happiness and we get pleasure from giving the love we hold in our heart.

By sharing this love unconditionally, we give it without strings attached; no one has to show up in a particular way; we just express the joy we are feeling within our Self and share it with our friends or lovers.
When you love unconditionally you can open your heart fully, knowing you cannot be hurt because you are in control of your love. You are giving it out freely from an infinite source to all those you come in contact with.

When you love unconditionally you can love in many directions simultaneously. You can have many friends and share your joy, because you are creating this from within and expressing this joy to your environment through your emotions, feeling and senses.

This process puts you fully in charge. You are not waiting to receive from the other person - you are creating the situation and flowing your love outwards.

This state of giving unconditionally comes about when we relax, allow our mind to settle down, and connect with the Universal Life Force within. This has many advantages as, when we are in tune with the universe, every thought, word and deed we have is supported by the universe and easily finds fulfillment.

When our energies are strong and we have a good connection to Source, our body radiates health and balance. People are naturally drawn to us and we are happy and carefree, as we are in the mood for giving, just for the pleasure it brings.

It is easy to switch from a state of depression and lack to this state of inner fulfillment and joy, just by choosing to do so. By focusing one's energy on oneself and loving oneself, one charges oneself up with love.This can also be achieved through various spiritual practices. On my HealerGeorge website I have created a number of Guided Meditations which connect you to your source energy and allow you to bring your energies back into balance in a natural way. You feel fully charged up and go out in the world with enthusiasm and joy.So if you feel you have received a knock from Nature, look within and be the source of your experience. Open your heart to life and allow your love to flow out freely. Remember you are connected to the Universal Life Force, which is eternal; it contains the source energy for the whole universe and is so full it is beyond limit.

Connect yourself to this source and be a part of the New Spirituality, connected to Oneness. Everything in the Universe has its source in this Oneness and everything you give comes back to Oneness. So come out to play in this field of love; give freely and create the abundance that is the birthright of all.


Getting over a breakup can be one of the worst feelings ever on this planet. Your emotions would be all over the place you would lose control of your mind and you don't know what to do next. Seems as if life has come to a stand still and you simply can't seem to control your thoughts. Read on to discover some of the best ways to get over a breakup and achieve the desired results.

Think positive- Break up is a situation where your mind simply can't think positive at all. You get bombarded with negative thoughts from all corners and you simply can't control them. The best way to think positive after a breakup is to go for long walks. Yes long walks are known to be the best when it comes to thinking positive and taking control of your emotions.

It's past and it's over- Stop living in the past. Maybe the breakup took place for a good reason. Look out at the world and smell the roses. There is much more to life than just crying over what has gone. Think about the present and the future.

Change your music- Several times people tend to listen to sad songs after a breakup. This would only worsen your already bad condition. Stop listening to sad songs try to put up some lively number which would raise your emotions and you would feel lighter.

Keep busy- When you sit at one place for too long trying to avoid certain painful thoughts they tend to come to you even more faster. Try keeping yourself as busy as possible maybe go out for a walk, going to the gym, and hanging out with friends. The more you keep yourself busy the lesser these thoughts would come to you.What you don't know yet- Ever tried to wonder what's in a woman's mind? What is she thinking about? Do you know that women do not always mean what they say? They might say something and mean the exact opposite. But what do women actually want? Do you know there are some secrets women don't want men to know but men absolutely must know these secrets in order to succeed with women?


So is she really interested in me? What is going through her mind right now? These are just some very common questions most guys go through when they are trying to figure out whether a girl is interested in them or not. Females are shyer than males and often find it hard to be direct with their feelings. Therefore they would always give you signals and signs if they are interested. Read on to discover what these signals and signs are and how to read them.

Looks into your eyes all the time- If a girl is truly interested in you she would make it a point to look into your eyes every time you talk to her. Her mouth would be slightly open while she talks to you and she would be very attentive to each and every word which comes out of your mouth.

Physical touch- She would make it a point to brush your arm slightly while she passes you by. This is a sign that she is trying to ignite that sensual feeling in you so that you notice her more and give her your attention.She gets giggly- She would laugh at your jokes even when they are not funny. You would notice a strange behavior from her end and she would act some what goofy. Girls normally go through this when they are totally into someone and are looking for the same response.

She gets uneasy around you- This is another perfect sign to figure out whether she is interested in you or not. She would tend to get nervous and a bit uneasy around you as she would try to act and be her best self.

What you don't know yet- Ever tried to wonder what's in a woman's mind? What is she thinking about? Do you know that women do not always mean what they say? They might say something and mean the exact opposite. But what do women actually want? Do you know there are some secrets women don't want men to know but men absolutely must know these secrets in order to succeed with women?

Monday, November 26, 2007


Do you want to be a man magnet and be able to attract and keep any man you want? Have you ever wondered why he did not call, why did he stop loving me or what did I do wrong? You are not alone. All women who have dated at least once in their life asked questions like these. The truth is women simply do not understand men. It is a proven scientific fact that men and women think differently. Our brains just analyze things differently. It is no one`s fault that things are the way they are. We just have to learn to understand each other. This understanding will bring us loving and fulfilling relationships.

Have you ever met a woman that just has something about her, which attracts men like a magnet? They just do not seem to get enough of her. Yes it is true, it is really possible. So what is the difference between a woman like this and you? Note, that she is not necessarily prettier, wealthier or any other reason you might think. It goes deeper, she simply understands men, be it consciously or unconsciously. There are many women like that in history.

However remember that you should always be yourself. If you have to put on an act just to be with this "special" man, than maybe he is not so special after all and not right for you.

To make a man want you, you have to give him what he wants. Make him feel good about himself and he will reach out to you. A man will give anything and everything to a woman that can make him feel good. And I am not talking about sex, if that was the case prostitutes would have the best marriages. To have a successful relationship you need to learn the art of seduction. Like anything else it is a science of it`s own.

So what you could do today is start being confident about yourself. Men always love a confident woman and I do not mean vulgar, just confident. Make your own personality shine through. Never act needy. Men hate a woman that clings on to them and does not let go. Make them grab on to you instead. You can be a man magnet.