
Tuesday, November 27, 2007



There are some things that women should never do while engaged in an online relationship with a man. These things are certain to put a quick and final end to any further communications with him.

While chatting online or by email do not write your life story. His eyes will glaze over and he will fall out of his chair. Keep it short and sweet until he asks for details...then provide them slowly and only answer the questions he asks. For instance: If he asks how many siblings you have, he is NOT asking for the details of your interaction with them. He really just wants to know how many you have. Say you have 2 (or whatever is true) and then ask how many he has. For every question he asks you, you should ask one of him. Nothing turns a man off like a long- winded woman who just doesn't know when to shut up or how to listen.

Never, ever, EVER lie. I really believe that lies will catch up with you sooner or later. Many women (and men) lie about their age, marital status, employment, height, weight and a host of other things in their online profiles. That is a huge mistake. If you find a man who you are really interested in, he will find out you lied and there goes any possibility of the relationship progressing. So, just be honest. There is someone out there who will like you...even come to love you...for exactly the person you are.

Don't be too eager. It makes you look desperate and it really puts a man off. They are first and foremost conquerors and if getting the person of their desires to like them too is just too easy, they will quickly lose interest. I don't mean play "hard-to-get". I mean, don't push for a face-to-face meeting. Don't email them or IM them too frequently. Play it safe and play it cool.


We men must never assume that our wants and needs are the same as that of women. We are programmed differently in our DNA. We should not be afraid of this though. Instead we should use it to our advantage. Imagine knowing how they think and feel, this alone will put you ahead of 99% of the men out there.

Most of us men have the belief that women are attracted to looks, money and fame. In fact, most women care most about how we can make them feel. It has nothing to do with looks, money or fame. We do not need to be a Brad Pitt or George Clooney. We have been given what we have so use it! We should focus on our strengths and this confidence about ourselves alone will indirectly attract women into our lives.

In fact, we should be quite relieved. We have it easy. When a man is not physically attracted to a woman, there is not much she can do to change things. But it is always possible for a man who don't have the looks, the height, the wealth, the fame to make a women 'feel' the same way we do when we see a physically beautiful women. Ain't that cool?

Most men make the mistake of trying to buy her affection with gifts and presents.

It is pleasant of course to take her out on romantic dinners where the both of you can enjoy each others company, but if you make the mistake of buying her gifts way too early in the relationship, she will see this as a form of buying your way into her heart. And the funny thing is, if this is a women that constantly accepts your gifts and continually expects more, you may need to question how long you can keep this up and is she really with you for who you are or the presents she's been getting.

Most women actually want men whom have the confidence in themselves to know he can please her with who he is and not how much he has got superficially.

Men must never portray they are desperate to land a date or land in her pants. Subtly make it clear that you are choosing. There is nothing more powerful in a female mind than letting her know that you are selective when it comes to finding the perfect partner. This alone also sets you apart from most guys out on the street that would settle for anyone they can get. Usually it is proximity or convenience which a leads a guy towards a women. Women are usually the fishermen who throw out the bait and it is us guys hungry for a feed that get lured into anything. Make a decision to set yourself apart today! When a woman knows you are actually the one fishing and very selective of the catch, she will give it her all to impress you in reverse as she perceives she has competition!

Wow, isn't this a difference in thought!

Look out for us in the coming days as we will be sharing more tips and secrets on how to become the ultimate female attraction magnet!
In the mean time, GOOD LUCK!


Many of us have experienced it over the years. You meet a girl that you have a great platonic relationship with and then the pressure starts to build. Where is it coming from? Odds are it is from the other guys who want to know why you have not gotten more intimate with her i.e. sex. The result is a great relationship turns into an attempted conquest. In many guy circles, you either win or you lose when it comes to women.That kind of attitude has left quite a number of men (even the alleged winners) sitting in the silence of their lonely rooms wondering, "What happened?" Even with the powerful emergence of internet dating online, speed dating, live chats and all the other innovations, the same attitudes of victory or defeat are on full display.
No woman wants to be a footnote or just a notch on some guy's bed post. The majority of women deal in terms of relationships not sports. With that said, there a few things to keep in mind.

1. Communicate

Forget those old movies where the hero plays the strong silent type and the women swoon. That may go for some but most women want communication. You may think sitting there on a date quietly practicing your Clint Eastwood poses and attitude is a win win situation but more than likely, she will think you have nothing useful to contribute to the conversation. Worst than that, she may think you have not been listening and that really ticks women off.

Dating is sharing. Listening and asking her intelligent questions means you are fully engaged. Be prepared also to contribute some personal information. Not that you have to tell her your life's history at one sitting but enough to add to the conversation. The more interesting you are the more she will want to know about you.

2. Confidence or Jerk

Women may have the maternal instinct but that does not mean they are looking for a cry baby. Have confidence in yourself and keep the self pity to a minimum. She is not going out with you to audition as your therapist. Leave all the self analyzing at home.

At the other end of the spectrum is the jerk. To quote an old song, "He's a legend in his own mind and God's gift to women." No woman wants to excuse herself from the table constantly because she can only take your arrogance in small doses. You are not the King of Siam so show a little modesty.

3. Time

Attraction can happen instantaneously but growing a relationship takes time. If you feel that you would like to know her a lot better than you do and that includes mentally and emotionally as well as the physical, then be patient. The old saying anything worthwhile is worth waiting for goes double for relationships.

No woman wants to be a trophy that you put on the mantle piece to show off to your buddies so do not put your dating relationships in terms of winning or losing. Communicate, be confident without turning into a jerk and give the relationship time. Remember the only one that you should concentrate on impressing is her.


Just about everything you read nowadays about finding the "love of your life" revolves around some type of "cold calling".

If you think about it... no one really talks about meeting women or the opposite through referrals... even though this is the easiest way to meet them.

Truthfully, most people have a anxiety problem going up to someone that they don't know and trying to spark up a conversation. Taking that into consideration, the easiest way to meet people is by meeting people through your social group.

If you have a "friend of a friend" around that fits the profile that you're looking for... it's much easier to open her up and have a conversation without coming off as needy. There's less pressure on both of you and... you already have a little bit of a leg up on the competition because you are already in her comfort zone whereas someone else has to break through this barrier.

The other thing is this... when you have to resort to "cold calling" women... naturally, those women may begin to wonder "why".

Do you not have anything else better to do?

Do you not have any friends of your own?

So, you have to resort to different tricks like "being cool" or "playing hard to get".

It's not that these methods are bogus. There just not as effective as meeting someone through a social group. In fact, many women have stigmas about sleeping with someone that they just met... however... if that same person is met through a group of friends... it's not so much a big deal.

Right now, you're probably saying:

"Sounds great, but my friends don't know anyone"

No problem... let's go meet some new friends.

I have to confess, you should be expanding your social network at all times...

There's never such a thing as having too many friends (although there does seem to be a limit to how many people you can effectively manage in your life, but that's another story).

I'll say this and you can take it however you want... but the most successful people with the opposite sex (success being defined as "the pick up") have the largest social networks.

You can learn all the "tips" and "tricks" that you want, but the person that has the social "in" on a given person will beat you just about every time.

Also, on a side note, your "friends" can give you a little background on the person as well...... or they might just say...

"Dude, stay away from that one... she's got herpes!"

Now, am I saying that "cold calling" women is a bad thing... absolutely not. After all, you do have to start meeting people to expand your network.

But, when you are meeting people just to meet people... it takes the pressure off a little bit and makes it a little easier on everyone involved.

Brad Howard's Angel Eyes Devil Smile delves into the "meat and potatoes" of all of the misinformation generated by the diet and fitness industry today.


Are you curious if you are the apple of his eyes and if he's interested? Women are mystified and guessing what is going on with a man's mind. Knowing what on his mind does not have to be a mystery. You do not have to remain clueless, men exhibits body language and undeniable signs that he likes you. Here are some signs:His eyes will tell you signs that he likes you. Have you caught him staring at you or establishing an eye contact? Men stare at women they find attractive or charming. If he is establishing an eye contact, he is establishing a connection or attention towards you.

His smile is one of the signs that he likes you. Men in general do not smile a lot. If he smiles at you a lot, he is sending a signal. Smile is a very powerful gesture that signals happiness, friendliness and an invitation that he wants to talk to you.

His ears and attention are signs that he likes you. Most men hate boring conversation and cannot stay in a conversation if the person does not interest them. If he is all ears and remembers your hobbies and every little thing you've said, these are signs that he likes you and interested with you. If you are in a group, you will notice that he is always beside you and talks to you more than the other people in the group. You are the focus of his attention, teasing you and making you laugh.

His time. One of the signs that he likes you is the way he spends time with you. It is noticeable that he wants to spend more time alone with you. Once he has the opportunity to be with you, he will try his best to prolong it or call off other plans just to be with you. He also calls you for no apparent reason or mention upcoming plans sending hints that he wants to be with you.


Women are made to believe that men should make the first move and ask them out but even if you believe in that, there are still things that you can do to attract the man of your dreams. Contrary to what others believe, men are not just attracted to a beautiful face and sexy body. Learning how to attract men is not that difficult if you know how. Here are some useful tips:

Be yourself. Be comfortable with yourself and let him know that you are a unique individual through your personality and looks. Do not pretend to be someone you are not. You do not have to pretend, you can attract the man of your dreams if you are honest and comfortable with yourself.

Cook for him. As the saying goes, "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Learn to cook and you are ahead of other women and you have the advantage to attract the man of your dreams. Men are attracted to women who know how to cook and care for the people around her. Of course you also have to love what you are doing, learning how to cook and enjoying what you are doing will make you more attractive.

Be smart and improve your education. To attract the man of your dreams, you have to be smart and educated. Men are attracted to smart women, who are not boring and who speak their minds but still respect other people's opinion. You can be smart and yet not conceited. Besides, being educated is an asset not only in attracting men, but also in other areas of your life, like jobs and dealing with other people.

Enhance your asset. Another saying is "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". There is no single definition of beauty; everyone has their own preference of beauty. Any woman can be beautiful in her own right. Know your asset and what makes you more attractive and beautiful. Maybe you have beautiful hair or skin and there's nothing wrong to flaunt it once in a while. Wear sleeveless on appropriate occasions if you have beautiful shoulder and arms. Wear make up to enhance your beauty but do not over do it. You have the asset and natural beauty to attract the man of your dreams.

Wear a smile. There's nothing more powerful than being approachable and friendly. You will draw people to you if you wear a smile. You can attract the man of your dreams with your angelic smile, knowing that you are approachable and friendly.